Universitet Ta'lim Ilmiy-innovatsion faoliyat
Xalqaro faoliyat Talabalar hayoti Qabul 2024 SDG
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In a variety of societal arenas, Tashkent State University of Law professors and lecturers express their legal stances and opinions as legal authorities.


Khayitjon Turdiev took part in the session of the Constitutional Court as an expert

Jahongir Bokiev - a lecturer of TSUL, expert | Amendments to the Constitution: the legal basis for the status of teachers.

Khayitjon Turdiev took part in the session of the Constitutional Court as an expert

Interview 24 | Shokhzhakhon Khujaev - Head of Department, Tashkent State University of Law, expert

Studio 24 | Interview with an expert, Valisher Davlyatov - head of the department of Tashkent State University of Law, doctor of law\

Studio 24 | Conversation with Otabek Bobojonov, an expert, Dean of Tashkent State University of Law

Daler Valijonov took part as an expert in a class for students of the Eurasian School of Integration Law

Studio 24 | Vosit Ergashev - Professor, Tashkent State University of Law, member of the expert group under the Constitutional Commission

Bekzod Narimonov, head of the Department of Constitutional Law at Tashkent State University of Law, Doctor of Philosophy in Legal Sciences (PhD), Associate Professor Bekzod Narimonov and Professor Ihtiyor Bekov took part in the socio-political project "Xalqdan savol" as experts

Bekzod Narimonov, the head of the department of TSUL, and Professor of TSUL Omonulla Mukhammedjanov took part as experts in the program "Konstitutsiyaviy islohotlar - huquq va erkinliklar kafolati" on TV channel "Yoshlar"

Interview 24 | Ikhtiyor Bekov - Professor of Tashkent State University of Law, member of the expert group under the Constitutional Commission